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By hosting an in-person or virtual screening with your community, you can join us on our mission to spread hope and help others discover the healing power of the horse-human connection.
WHO IS ELIGIBLE TO HOST A SCREENING?Anyone that is interested in sharing about the miracles, mystery, and science of healing with horses including nonprofit organizations, community groups, schools, government agencies, and businesses.
WHAT IS A SCREENING LICENSE?A screening license is required to host a screening or show a film to a larger audience and it includes: - Access to the film during a 24-hour screening period - A license to host a group screening, either virtually (online), in-person, or both (online and in-person) - Permission to advertise your screening, charge for admission, or accept donations - Advertising materials, including images and logos from the film - A post-screening discussion packet to help facilitate your group’s discussion of the film - Screening support from the Rescued Hearts team
HOW MUCH DOES A SCREENING LICENSE COST?The screening license fee is based on group size and the license fee is as follows: Up to 50 people = $500 USD Up to 100 people = $1000 USD Up to 200 people = $1,750 USD Up to 300 people = $2,500 USD If your group cannot afford the fee, or anticipates hosting more than 300 people, please indicate this on the form and our team will follow up with more information.
WHAT TYPE OF VENUES CAN SCREENINGS TAKE PLACE IN?Depending on the size of your event, you can host screenings anywhere from your living room, backyard, or barn, to classrooms and school auditoriums, local theaters, office meeting rooms, library, museums, and more.
CAN THE FILMMAKERS DO A LIVE Q&A FOR MY SCREENING?Yes! For an extra fee, the producer and/or director can join you live or over zoom to do a Q&A session with the audience after they watch the film.
IS IT POSSIBLE TO BRING THE FILMMAKERS TO MY EVENT?Absolutely! Depending on their schedule and the logistics, they are open to attending your event for a Meet & Greet, Presentation, and/or live Q&A, after the film screening. All travel expenses must be covered and the fee is based on the details of your event. Check out the Rescued Hearts event calendar HERE.
ARE SUBTITLES AVAILABLE?Not at this time but we are looking to raise funds and/or find volunteers to get the film translated into many languages so Rescued Hearts can reach the world.
IS THERE A DIFFERENCE IN COSTS DEPENDING ON WHICH VENUE TYPE I HAVE SECURED?Where you choose to host will not affect our licensing fee. Our licensing fee will be scaled according to the size of your audience. However, some movie theatres require a DCP, which does incur an additional cost to create and ship. The reason we ask to know the venue details is because there are different file types that need to be provided based on how it will be shown.
Please provide the following information so we know how to best support your screening needs. We are excited to share this film with you and will be in touch when it's complete and ready for release.
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